Civil Defence Punjab Jobs 2022

Grasp this opportunity to get the best job for yourself in Pakistan, such as the Civil Defence Punjab jobs 2022.

Civil Defence Punjab Jobs 2022

About Civil Defence Punjab

The Civil Defence Punjab Job 2022 is a governmental Civil Defence job in Lahore, Pakistan. Accordingly, they are now offering job applications to about 60+ qualified people. Interested applicants may start planning to apply for this job, but before the deadline of job application. Grasp this opportunity to get yourself a suitable job, which is both governmental and well recommended for citizens of Pakistan.

On the contrary, even those who don’t have high degrees in education can take part in this job, without any other additional educational achievements. Which is why as a result, a lot of people apply for Civil Defence Punjab.

Eligibility and Qualifications

If you want to apply for Civil Defence Punjab Job 2022, then you’ll have to be qualified, well experienced, and professional enough in order to become a part of this job. Therefore, meet at least one of the following eligibility and qualifications for Civil Defence Punjab Job:-

  • Must be a Fireman
  • Must be a Naib Qasid
  • Must be a Bootman
  • Must be a Rescue man
  • Must be a Bodyguard
  • Or Other….

In addition to educational qualifications, a person should have completed his/her primary school, middle school, and matriculation.

Data about Civil Defence Punjab

Name of Organization:Civil Defence Punjab
Job Location:Lahore, Pakistan
Contact:+92-42-99212104 , +92-42-99212105 , +92-42-99212109
Official Web Page:
Job Type:Government

Application Deadline

The last day of job application submission of Civil Defence Punjab is on November 14th, 2022. Hence, all interested people should apply and submit their application for this job before the deadline surpasses.

NOTE:- Make sure not to make any kinds of mistakes during your application submission, such as; hand written application, late submission, incomplete notes & document, etc. Otherwise you’re application will be disqualified.

Apply for Civil Defence Punjab Job 2022

Click the following button and send your application through mail to apply for Civil Defence Punjab job. If you need more help, then try contacting them via phone or E-mail.